Saturday, May 31, 2014

the Jamathon Marathon!

STELLAR jam in Mitchell Park! Janet Lenore's Beatles jam!
Today I'm recovering from my jamathon marathon yesterday! whew, eight hours of jamming -- first at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto where Janet Lenore's Beatles jam attracted loads of people...

then hightailing over to Bronco Billy's, which as usual was LOADS of fun with Diane and the whole gang, and of course we closed the place down with the song, "Runaway!" rockin' good times! 

Our good friend Steve Clemons traveled up from Santa Barbara to join the jamming fun...

I admit there were a few Beatles songs in the packet...but lotsa other songs too...Steve played STELLAR u-bass for us...and friends from all over showed up! YAAAYY! I'm a bit sore today after all those hours of standing and exerting lots of energy but it was soooo worth it! thanks to all my awesome jammin' people...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Three Jams in one Day SF Ukulele Rebellion Adventures!

It was another one of those unexpected adventure days that one would not expect. I took BART to San Francisco to the Oakside Cafe for Ukulele Rebellion on a Memorial Day weekend Sunday and was pleasantly surprised to find a whole bunch of people there playing ukuleles -- way more than had initially signed up even! 

A lovely family from Great Britain joined us -- David, his wife and his daughter who just had a baby and lives in San Francisco. It was so much fun playing ukulele with them...David said that it's assumed you're a George Formby fan if you play ukulele over in London -- and I assured him we had a couple in our midst, but that I favored the Beatles. :) David said that they had just visited Abbey Road Studies and he and his choir mates got to sing into the same microphone John Lennon had used! how exciting to be where the Beatles were... the closest I've gotten is Strawberry Fields in Central park!

 We had a lovely jam and then in the end I randomly started playing I Want To Hold Your Hand -- and the whole family and everyone joined in on the song. It was obvious our friends from Great Britain were huge Beatles fans! one day I will make it over there! check this out (it's only 26 seconds though!)

Random I Wanna Hold Your Hand Singing!

I found myself wishing I'd bought more Beatles song packets with me!

After the Uke Rebellion jam at the Oakside Cafe, everyone went their separate ways... I'd texted Becky to let her know I was around. Turns out they were at a Hawaiian music jam just down the street, so I walked over to the Panhandle and hung out for a while, told them I was there...

and guess what happened? the magic of an impromptu jam! those are the BEST in my opinion!
Yay! I met up with Mark and Becky after Uke Rebellion at the Panhandle, Golden Gate Park!

Me, Mark and Becky
Our attempt at a "selfie" seemed to work!
We sat on a park bench as people strolled by or rode their bikes and played songs for at least a couple of hours. 

Chillin' at the Golden Gate Park Panhandle!
While we were sitting there at the park, I got a text from Janet Lenore who said she was at the Mud Puddle in Niles and would I like to join them on a jam? Well it just so happened that I had parked my car at the Union City BART station which isn't very far away from Niles, so I said sure, I'd be there later -- but that I was jamming in San Francisco!

Now this, my friends, is the life!
Yep, this really is the life!!!!

beautiful day in the Panhandle

After our jam, Mark drove me and Becky to our respective stations -- Becky to the street car line and me to a BART station and I headed over to Niles to play a few Beatles songs with Janet, Jeff and Margaret before finally heading home...I'd say it was a good day!