Magic on the trail
I became super excited when I sauntered into the woods on this rainy late afternoon and made it to my favorite tree. Luckily, I wore my rain jacket and waterproof shoes with my special insoles because it started to rain as I trekked up the trail past my favorite tree. The clouds covered the sun today and darkness enveloped the woods as I strolled to the second bridge.
When I got there, I thought, “What the heck are you doing? It’s pretty dark.” A woman almost blinded me with her headlamp as she hiked past me. I only had my iPhone flashlight, but it was better than nothing and I know the trail well. As I descended slowly and carefully back down, I asked the trees to protect me. A light rain fell as I took one step at a time down the trail holding my iPhone for light.
Then I saw a white butterfly flutter past and around me. I didn’t even know butterflies were around this time of year. I caught glimpses of the butterfly which seemed to glow in the darkness with its whiteness as I trekked down the hill. My feet didn’t hurt at all. It was like a regular walk from the trail when I hurried down before it got dark. Then I saw my favorite tree. It looked illuminated and bright because I shined the iPhone flashlight right at it. I was amazed I managed to find it at all! The white butterfly followed me out of the woods to the trail that led to our neighborhood and then I didn’t see it again.
I turned around and stared at the woods in the shadows and then headed home. One more week.
The next day I didn’t make it into the woods, but I still strolled around the neighborhood. I saw a beautiful rainbow and spectacular skies. It rained, stopped raining, and then rained again.
The leaves on the sweet gum tree in front of our house have finally begun to turn yellow and gold and a blustery wind blew many leaves off the tree today. I love it when the weather changes drastically within an hour. One never knows about nature.
Tonight, while I work, I look at the knee scooter and wonder if I can ride it on the trail. I mean, it has four wheels and brakes so why not? I did see two people happily whiz down the trail near the walking bridge on electric wheelchairs. It looked like fun!