I had the most amazing and magical knee scooter adventure today! It’s been raining here, but the sun peeked out for a little while this afternoon, and the clouds parted. It’s not hard to talk my boyfriend Savoy into taking me to the path by the Mackenzie River. Not the Willamette as we thought.
Photos and collage design created by the author on the Riverside trail in Springfield, Oregon
He loves rivers and this is a big one. It’s also a five-minute drive from Carol’s house near Riverbend Hospital. I love the river and the trees. And the geese we saw on the river too.
These are my last few days on the knee scooter because the cast comes off my foot on Wednesday! Three more days! Then I’ll have a walking boot. I was able to walk at least a mile with the walking boot and one crutch with no trouble last time around. Sometimes further. I will miss the knee scooter for the times I’m able to cruise, but I don’t care for being 100 percent dependent on it. I can even cruise here in Carol’s house and I still feel that momentary thrill when I’m cruising.
Hanging out by the MacKenzie River on the Riverside trail.
This time we entered the Lyle Hatfield Riverside trail from the other side. The billowy gray clouds promised rain in an hour or two. But not now.
photos taken by the author on the Riverside trail in Springfield, Oregon
I rolled down a small hill towards the cypress, Douglas firs and spruces, and the sound of the river. There’s a bench right by the river where the water goes around an island and then meets again.
Photos and collage design by the author
Further down the trail, there’s another bench with a beautiful older Douglas fir next to it. I sat there for a few moments next to the tree and the baby tree. I felt so content sitting there and I could still hear the river. All felt well with the world. I felt grateful for the trees and the river and even the rain.
Selfie of the author with a beautiful Douglas fir tree behind me. Soon I’ll traverse on the woods trails once again!
Savoy had gone ahead, and he told me about the circle of trees. A semi-circle of older trees is just a little ways away. I became excited, and I wanted to see that circle of trees, but Savoy said he had already seen them so I set out on a journey through a more tactical part of the trail with my trustee knee scooter. I took it slow and sure. It didn’t take me long to find the circle of trees so beautiful and amazing. I was curious about them. Did someone plant the trees here on purpose or did they just form on their own? so many questions. I was in awe of the beauty, the trees.
Photo by the author of a semi-circle of trees. This is just part of the semi-circle of Douglas firs.
I wanted to get closer to the trees. I surveyed the terrain and thought, it doesn’t look so bad. I could probably make it to at least get to one tree. π² I slowly descended from the main trail towards the trees and almost made it when I hit an uneven surface, and, as if in slow motion, my knee scooter tipped over and yes, I fell to the ground.
The Knee Scooter Mishap
I wasn’t hurt at all. I had fallen into a bed of pine needles and soft soil. I had to smile as I sat on the ground next to my fallen knee scooter, because I somehow knew that the trees would not allow me to get hurt maybe fall off my knee scooter, but I was fine.
I managed to push myself to the big tree closest to me And work my way back to the knee scooter. πΏπ²π²✨πΏπ² It took a little while, but somehow someway I was able to do it. Thanks to that big tree close by. by the time Savoy called me to see where I was. I was already back on the knees scooter and the regular trail.
The Circle of Trees is beautiful, but I'll come back soon!
Good-bye trees! Cruising out now on my knee scooter down the trail! Photo was taken by the author
I only had myself to blame because I broke my own rule to never leave the main trail. Always stay on it no matter what but I just couldn’t resist. So now I know.
I didn’t realize until Savoy saw me that there were pine needles in my hair and on parts of the knee scooter hanging from the bottom of my cast as well. But I felt just fine. It was like a major adventure. Probably the biggest adventure I will have well healing from major foot surgery.