Friday, February 8, 2013

The Unexpected Friday Night Adventure

I was feeling under the weather all day -- even took the day off work which I don't normally do, but after a night and a day of lying on the couch, when I heard from my friend Brian who told me what time "Beast of the Southern Wild" was playing, I was ready to at least go out and watch a movie! I haven't known Brian for too long, met him in my Screenplay Writing class at DeAnza. We always go out of our way to have these really cool, long conversations... and the week before we had gone to the movies to see Les Miserables, which I ABSOLUTELY loved! I really thought I'd have to see that movie alone and was amazed Brian had seen it a whole bunch of times and he knows so much about movies too...

Anyway, so we met at the Coffee Society and walked over to the Bluelight Theater to see this amazing movie about these people living on an island off was all about where you feel most at home and on Saturday when we sang one of our songs at the Fremont Ukulele jam, "Deep River Blues," I thought about that movie... We held hands at the movies, so I guess you can call it a "date!" hehe!

Afterwards we stopped at Woodham's to see my good friends whom I hadn't seen in a while -- Larry and his band, "After Sunset." I used to hang out at Woodham's all the time and I knew a lot of people was fun to revisit and see old friends and introduce everyone to my new friend Brian. :)

We had a fabulous time there...and I was surprised to find that Brian CAN dance (better than me probably!). I don't know what's going on for sure, but it's fun to find out!

this is the coolest photo EVER! Brian took it with my iPhone...with Larry and his son Daniel playing in the background!!! TOTALLY ROCKIN'!!!

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