Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"East Coast Biz Casual"

So today at work we were asked to dress in "East Coast Business Casual," whatever the heck that's supposed to mean? My office manager, who really is super nice, seemed a little anxious about the whole thing of this new manager from Philly visiting our office today, and she even sent out an email about this major event. one attorney jokingly sent an email of east coast people wearing snow gear and walking around in the snow! No, not gonna fly here in CA. So I did my best -- wore my nicer shoes and a solid-colored top (dark purple)...and...oh yeah, the flower in the hair! shall I take it off, leave it in, hmmm...? So Sandy brings her around and introduces the new manager to us and the first thing she said when she shook my hand was, "Oh I just LOVE the flower in your hair!"  GO FIGURE! she didn't bat an eye at the Yellow Submarine poster or the Beatles calendar either, WHEW! I'm sooo relieved now! but yeah, they do dress a lot more professionally in Philly and NY, that's for sure!

I don't have my ukulele at my desk -- it's down in the car! what's up with this?
this is the way I usually dress -- walkin' through my FAVORITE city, San Francisco (with Mark and Dave)

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