Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Taking Risks, Letting Go of Fear

I have finally returned after shamefully neglecting my fabulous blog for so long. Yes, I admit that I've been using Facebook to chronicle my life adventures, but it's time to return. I have sometimes wondered if anyone actually reads my blog entries as I have still not figured out how to get "followers" yet, although I've written many posts and have created a couple of blogs for various things -- a fitness blog, a blog chronicling memories of my father who passed away last October. at first I had lofty thoughts if getting caught up by back posting, but have decided to abandon that idea and start fresh and new -- new ideas about present and past adventures and about my writing life.

Recently I attended a fabulous writing retreat on the Oregon coast while on my latest road trip adventure, and this about sums up where I'm at with my writing:

Yep! I'm all over the map, literally! It doesn't matter whether we call it a platform or a road map -- there you have it! this is my latest idea for how I view my memoir, the "book" -- and at structuring it, although I've had other ideas about how to do this.

as I embark on this journey of writing and publication, I think of how sometimes I become paralyzed with fear -- it's also an issue whien it comes to finishing a book or perhaps a set of essays. What if it isnt good enough? What if I truly do suck and this is just a crazy dream? but I've come too far for this. There's no direction to go but forward. I don't have an issue with getting my ukulele out at any given moment and playing it, and singing a Beatles song. I am not a professional musician by the way, just a chick with a ukulele who has some musical skills. I have friends who are professional musicians though, but music is such an integral part of my life which is why this blog is called Writer Chick with a Ukulele. Music puts my life into perspective when I'm feeling blocked or scattered. Somehow music is what puts everything into perspective. the above map for my book has changed many times and might even change again. Many of the stories are written already, just need cohesiveness to bind them all together and perhaps some sequeways. I know what to do. Why don't I just do it? My brother in Washington said to me when I talked about this MFA Program, "Well you could help fund the rest of your program by publishing your writing. Like what a concept." My brother knows I've been at this for many years. 

I'm exciting about revitalizing this blog and writing regularly in it. Maybe I'll figure out how to get followers too. 

This past weekend I spent some time with my grandson, Baby J (although he has reminded me he is no longer a baby because he's four now). He is so much fun to hang with and as I watch him interact and play wiith others, I notice that he has absolutely no fear to try things or say things...or to even do new things like participate in a teddy bear treasure hunt at a music camp event I took him to. He is curious and still has that innocence and imagination that we somehow lose as we get older because we have to "comply" with the rules. 

little guy, big train. No fear!! Yesterday we rode the steam engine from Sunol through Niles canyon. 

My goals are to let go of fear and market myself out there more, and BE that "professional" or "accomplished writer" instead of just dreaming about it or wishing it to be so...  Miracles do happen, as Baby J said when I realized I left my car keys at the Railroad Cafe across the street from the train station after they closed. "I believe!" We were looking inside the closed restaurant. Just then, a guy who works at the cafe happened to drive by and see us. I flagged him down and asked if someone had left their keys. He said, as a matter of fact, yes, went around the back, and gave them to me! Me and Baby J both cheered, "Now we're not stuck here forever." That resonated with me as I walked back to the car with him..."Stuck." time to get unstuck and move on!